ASD Counseling


 Do you or a loved one have Autism?

  • Are you a parent looking to connect better with your child with ASD?

  • Or are you an Aspie that wants extra support in understanding the neurotypicals?

  • Do you and your loved ones wish to learn more about what makes ASD brains unique?

  • Do you have ASD, but also struggle with anxiety or depression? 

ASD Counseling is here to support your needs.  South Boulder Counseling provides Family Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as CBT for autistic adults and teens.   

According to the CDC, 1 in 59 children have Autism.  While Autism Spectrum Disorder is technically classified as a disability, many Aspies (a favorite term in the community, short for Aspergers) are deeply proud of their difference.  

When my father was a boy in 1950s Córdoba, Mexico, he was called “tonto” (“stupid”) by his peers.  An undiagnosed Aspie, he went on to earn his Ph.D. in Physics and have a prominent scientific career.  When his grandson was also born with autism, 50+ years later, he was promptly diagnosed and received the help he needed to fully shine.  Both Abuelo and grandson see their Aspergers as central to who they are -- and neither is shy about sharing their fascinating perspective with us neurotypicals!  Their insights make me a better Autism counselor.  

South Boulder Counseling Close up of dew drops on fresh green grass

The world has come so far in our understanding of ASD.  We now have many resources out there for Aspies to connect with others, build self-awareness of their differences, and receive support to thrive in a neurotypical world.  

But there is a lot of noise and misinformation around ASD.  Some people wish to make money off the ASD community and their well-intentioned loved ones.  Some “experts” and “Brain Centers” claim to offer cures.  

I offer ASD therapy, but never pathologize neuro-difference.  

In fact, I celebrate my clients' uniqueness! ASD Therapy is not an attempt to make an autistic individual more neurotypical.  

As autism is highly genetic, I have lived my life happily surrounded in every generation by Aspies.  We are physicists, professors, doctors, and super passionate kids.   

I support my clients and their loved ones to appreciate the positive traits of ASD.  

In Autism Counseling, we begin with an assessment of my client’s many strengths.  We use these strengths to build self-confidence and to inform our therapy goals.  

I utilize CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to reframe negative distortions and bring more positivity into my client’s self-concept.  South Boulder Counseling provides CBT for autism, but really it is CBT for anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem adapted for people with autism.   ASD therapy addresses secondary issues that might commonly affect a person who is on the spectrum.  

How would CBT be different for clients with Autism?

With my ASD clients, I will use visual materials to enhance learning.  We might use technology to support communication.  I try hard to use practical and more concrete language. 

I also like to bring family members into session whenever appropriate so that they can make some tangible changes.  The burden is not always on the Aspie to fit into the neurotypical world; sometimes loved ones can learn to “get it” and adapt.  

Perhaps you still have questions about Autism Counseling…

How long does therapy last?

South Boulder Counseling Mountains reflected in calm lake

The answer depends on my client’s therapeutic goals.  As ASD is a brain uniqueness that lasts for a lifetime, CBT for autism usually centers on offering a positive reframing on ASD.   This can happen in just a few sessions.  

We also may aim to develop communication, work on emotional self-awareness, and manage stress.  This may take much longer, as they are more complex socio-emotional skills.  

Therapy can continue as long as it is helpful to the client.  

Who exactly will come to therapy?

The individual with ASD is usually my primary client.  

Sometimes, it is not the Aspie but the loved ones who most need help coping with ASD.  Many ASD teens and adults benefit most from Family Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder.  

I also offer parenting therapy for parents grappling with a new ASD diagnosis in a younger child. 

Experienced, positive, and goal-oriented ASD counseling is here. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment or discuss your needs, you can call or text 720-310-0570, email, or send a message here. Feel free to reach out by text or phone whenever is convenient. We will get back to you shortly to discuss goals, pricing, and schedule.

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