
Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

What is Moral Scrupulosity OCD?

Moral scrupulosity is a common presentation of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) wherein the client feels like they have to “always do the right thing.” While this sounds like a positive trait, moral scrupulosity can cause a tremendous amount of internal suffering.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Are you an over-apologizer? It might be OCD.

The reason for many is that apologizing is a compulsion related to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In this form of OCD, we have an obsessive thought that we did something wrong, usually related to a core fear that we are a bad person. We feel compelled to ‘correct’ ourselves or neutralize our fear.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Emotional Reasoning in Relationship OCD

Therapy for ROCD involves sitting in the “gray” of a relationship — understanding that there are no clear answers and that our emotions are not always leading us towards the truth. We learn that although emotions have value, especially in our relationships, we cannot allow them to be primary to our decision making.

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